Moving Medicine Masks

From time immemorial, cultures have used masks for ritual, healing and play. They are even used for practical needs, like protection, as we know so well in these times. I have been interested in masks since I first saw my mother making a mask of a sun in our basement when I was five years old. I was amazed and loved it. I started studying mask-making in college with Eric Bass of Sandglass Theater in Putney, VT. Then later, with Eric Bornstein, director of Behind the Mask in Cambridge, MA. 

I work mainly with plaster casting, papier-mâché, cardboard and paper bags. I make masks for exhibits, rituals and individual clients. I also perform in my own masks, whether it is as a tree spirit working to protect a forest or a fire-water spirit celebrating transformation. 

Currently, I am excited to start work on a series of masks I have been thinking about for a long time called “The Ghosts of Plastic,” as a commentary on our society. I have been collecting materials. It will be a learning curve to work in this medium. 

I continue to be fascinated by how concealing one’s face can also reveal different aspects of self or spirit. 

I would be delighted to make a customized mask for you or your project! 

Click here to contact me for a free consultation.